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Watchmen: The Potential is Wasted |
Rating: 2 out of 5 Illegal Costumed Vigilantes
Synopsis: Nite Owl and
Rorschach beat the hell out everyone ever. Out of both types of people, big and tank like
as well as normal proportioned.
The Good:
-Nite Owl and Rorschach have pretty different fighting styles
which makes each feel unique enough.
-Rorschach's mask shifts and moves like it should which is pretty cool.
-Both characters are always on screen fighting together. When not controlled by another person the
computer takes over the other character.
-Rorschach has the most brutal fighting style ever. He just steamrolls over guys, his punches are
wild and look like they hit with a ton of force. The combos get really brutal, his counter
attack is just vicious, especially against an armed opponent, and his
“finishers” are almost hard to watch.
You only have a limited amount of finisher animations but the first time
I saw them my reaction every single time was to hold my fist in front of my
mouth and go “Oooooooooh ho ho ho, ha ha ha ha, that is awesome!” they are fun
to watch. They really captured
Rorschach’s rage, it’s almost worth getting the game just for this. It’s just so, so brutal, I want to go into
more detail but I don’t think I can do it justice.
-Because I mentioned Rorschach’s fighting style I’ll mention
Nite Owl’s. Nite Owl’s fighting style is
very controlled and precise. There are a
lot of kicks (Rorschach is almost entirely punches), chops to the throat and
quick punches. It’s less impressive when
compared to Rorschach, you get some cool finisher animations but they don’t
induce the same reaction. It’s very much
like playing Batman and it’s fun to watch but not in the same way as
Rorschach. I wish you could use more
gadgets, you have access to a smoke bomb that’s good for crowd control and a
grappling hook for taking alternate routes but some kind of throwing weapon
would be nice. He’s set up as a “gadget”
man but offensively you maybe get two gadget’s: the smoke bomb and an AOE shock
“taser” move.
The Bad:
-The AI on your AI controlled partner is hit or miss. Playing as Rorschach I had more trouble with
Nite Owl then I did playing as Nite Owl with Rorschach. I don’t know if they have different levels of
AI but playing as Rorschach, Nite Owl kept getting stuck on things and falling
behind. At one point at the very
beginning of the game he got stuck on a doorway so I left him behind. Eventually I hit a two person switch so I had
to go all the way back for him and he was still stuck. I was debating plugging in player 2 just to
unstick him but then he suddenly teleported away and came running from the
other direction so clearly the game just sent him to the two person switch and
then the AI was compelled to come find me.
It was a ridiculous moment.
-It’s a beat ‘em up so you do a lot of fighting and after a
while it can get boring. Fight system
isn’t terrible, I’ve certainly played worse but the lack of variety on a larger
scale leads to some repetition, upgrades are few and far between (about one or
two a level), what few boss fights exist are pretty much in the vein of “unique
bad guy with a massive health bar”.
There just isn’t a whole lot that’s compelling to keep you going through
the WHOLE thing. What’s there really
only accommodates a game half this long.
-When you get surrounded by dudes you can start having major
issues. You feel like a badass in the
one on one or small encounters because you can fight well enough that the other
guys don’t even get a hit in. Once you
get surrounded by 4+ guys though you aren’t able to control the crowd
well. It’s hard to switch from one bad
guy to another and you’ll find that you can’t take that many hits. The bottom line is you are too squishy for a
real challenge.
-The combo system is a little weird and it took me a while to
get the combo system down, but once I did my biggest hurdle was the actual
gameplay, which can be laggy and slow.
-The story isn’t that great, it’s not very compelling but it
accomplishes its goal of getting you from one place to beat up bad guys to
-There’s no discernable difference between Chapter 1 and
Chapter 2 except that you start with all your abilities in Chapter 2.
The Ugly:
-The game looks good for what it is: an early generation
downloadable game made to cash in on a movie.
Thoughts: I was actually
really happy to hear about these games coming out and I was really looking
forward to them, I downloaded the demo and played it quite a bit. Then when I heard there were going to be two
chapters my mind reeled at the possibilities.
They had already done Nite Owl and Rorschach so Episode 2 must be two
different people. Who could it be? Comedian and Silk Specter? Silk Spectre 1 (in a flashback) and Silk
Spectre 2 (maybe working the same case years later)? Nite Owl and Silk Spectre? Ozymandias?
Nite Owl 1? No way, maybe even
Dr. Manhattan? Nope, none of those, just
more of the same. If they were hoping
the story would carry the gameplay through two chapters they were wrong. The story isn’t that great and it’s not even
compelling enough to get me through chapter 1.
I bought the disk version and it gives me the option for skipping right to
Episode 2, which is just basically the same except the premise this time is
saving a kidnapped girl. I’ve been
watching the cut scenes and I can’t even tell you the premise for Episode 1,
someone broke out of prison and they need to get them back? I don’t know.
Episode 2 lays it out pretty quick right at the beginning.
I would have
loved to have seen this series explore some of the other Watchmen
characters. Nite Owl and Rorschach are a
good start but I was hoping for more.
Granted introducing someone like the Comedian or, to a much greater
degree, Dr. Manhattan would totally change gameplay and a download game like
this probably doesn’t have a huge budget to work with. But it would have been nice to have seen
more, even if they were going to re-use the protagonists then give us something
different in Chapter 2, some additional combo’s, some additional gameplay, just
something so it doesn’t feel so tacked on and extraneous.
If you like
the Watchmen movie, or like Watchmen in general, or are a beat ‘em up gourmand
then I’d check this out. Get the disc
version though, the download version on Xbox is still at a full 800 points per
episode (last I checked a couple of months ago) whereas the disc version was
probably $3 on Amazon. I didn’t pay much
for it, it was absurdly cheap. I think I
got my money’s worth. Chapters wrap up
in about 45 minutes to an hour, 7 chapters in Episode 1 and 4 chapters in
Episode 2, so about 7-10 hours of gameplay, if you can stick with it. I couldn’t stick with it, I might continue to
chip away at it over the next several months but I’m pretty much done at this
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