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Spawn? More like...flan. Am I right? |
Rating: 2 out of 5 Crappy CG Demons
Synopsis: Al Simmons gets
himself killed and then makes a deal with a PS1 demon. He is then annoyed by a fat John Leguizamo in
a clown suit. There’s a lot of angst and
an English accented, magic homeless man.
It ultimately doesn’t matter, none of it ultimately matters.
The Good:
-I love me some Michael Jai White, so the movie gets a star
right there. I’m a fan of his acting, no
matter what he’s in be it Black Dynamite or sporting a weird accent in Kill
Bill. I also think he’s the perfect Luke
Cage so I love all his fighting movies because I can pretend they are Luke Cage
-John Leguizamo as Clown/Violator is pretty good. He’s definitely a highlight. The costume is pretty intense and must have
taken quite a while to put on. He is
genuinely disgusting and annoying.
-Melinda Clarke as Priest, she is so so hot. She’s probably the most capable bad guy in
the film. She’s rough, tough, hardcore
and handles herself like a pro. She’s
the other star in the rating. she’s a badass, and her badass-ness is part of
what makes her so hot. There’s nothing
more attractive than an assertive, capable woman.
-Martin Sheen, as usual, puts in a solid performance like the
professional he is. Doesn’t matter how
low budget your thing is if you hire Martin Sheen he’ll show up like he’s
filming Apocalypse Now.
-The practical and make-up effects are great.
-Theresa Randle as Wanda, also super hot but her performance
is only alright and I would like to say more about that but her character is
mostly built around how attractive she is.
She does the best she can with what she has though, I’ll give her credit
for that.
-“Get away from me you fudge packing midget!” John Leguizamo
looks like he is legitimately annoying Michael Jai White, it looks like it goes
beyond acting and the screen and that Leguizamo is legit trying, and
succeeding, in legit annoying a legit Michael Jai White. He just won’t shut up and he keeps hitting
him and White just looks pissed.
-I think the Spawn costume looks great, it looks awesome in
fact. It has texture and it’s dark, it’s
more grounded in reality than the comic costume. The make-up must have taken forever to put
-D.B. Sweeny is great as Terry Fitzgerald, it’s a small part
but he plays it really solidly, it kind of gets overshadowed by the other
performances but he’s still good.
-The performances are really solid all around, even the damn
hobo puts in a good performance. So the
movie is definitely not lacking in acting ability, it is just substandard or
fails on every other level.
-Priest is cooler than Spawn, she’s a total badass and
nothing gets in her way. She’s
confronted with a supernatural force in the guise of a burnt human, whom she
killed, and her reaction is “Nice outfit asshole.” Before shooting the shit out
of him. I’d watch a movie about
Priest. I kind of wish I was watching a
movie about Priest right now.
-Spawn’s crotch guard, his skull belt buckle extends and
grabs Priests leg as she tries to kick him in the balls. But, as we know from the Hell scene, where
he’s naked before Malebogia, that he has no junk to kick.
-The chains are pretty cool.
They are the one good CG effect in this clunker, they look real and
living and scary as hell.
-Priest goes out like a boss, the fight is very quick but she
gets shot off a balcony and goes through a table. If she wasn’t shot in the head I would have
thought she would have gotten up.
-I’m pretty sure when Violator goes through all the names
that aren’t his, he names all his brothers from the comics.
-I think Violator is a combination of practical effects and
CGI because he looks so much better than Malebogia, his demon form is actually
pretty impressive.
-Hey, it’s Todd McFarlane.
-Violator vs. Spawn is a pretty decent fight.
-I just realized the magical, glowing, exposition hobo is
played by fucking Merlin from Excalibur (Nicol Williamson) I still hate the
character but he’s a great actor.
The Bad:
-The opening is bad, they give too much away in the first
minute. The narration lays out
everything leaving nothing for the story to tell you. I don’t need to watch anymore of the movie
now, thanks.
-Stop narrating! Save
something for the fucking story and the actors.
There are two bouts of narration back to back the first one pretty much
tells us the whole plot of the movie we are about to watch the second pretty
much eliminates any subtext the movie may have had. There’s nothing to get from the story at all,
there’s no reason to pay any attention to what’s going on now. The whole movie is about the effects and the
action set pieces because that’s the only reason to keep watching. That and Priest.
-The opening credits are all flickering and shakey, it makes
it hard to watch. It actually made me
nauseous and gave me a bit of a headache.
I had to look away and wait for it to stop.
-Awesome, it’s a glowing, magical fucking hobo. Great.
-What’s with all the fucking pet bugs? Scorpions and tarantulas, is that supposed to
make them badasses?
-The magic glowing hobo is also the magic, glowing exposition
hobo. And he doesn’t shut the fuck
up. Make sure you leave nothing to the
audience, spell everything out and remove any mystery.
-Who gets all sexy at a kids birthday party in front of the kids? Terry and Wanda basically go to third base
while hanging out at the present table.
-Does Clown tell a bunch of kids that he has “More tricks
than your local hooker.”?
-They make Clown too gross.
Granted it’s been a decade since I read a Spawn comic but I don’t
remember Clown being that crass. He was
more sinister and threatening than stupid and gross. I may not like it but there’s no denying the
performance and the performance is above and beyond what the character might
have gotten from a lesser actor.
-Why did they obscure Clown in the first scene if 10 minutes
later he’s out in full glory? Either
give the slow reveal or just put him out in the light, don’t half ass it.
-The Clown’s fake teeth must cause Leguizamo to drool because
after the first couple of lines his chin is just slick with spit and you can
see the spit flying out of his mouth.
-I hate the magic, glowing, exposition hobo!
-Again, Clown is too annoying and not sinister in the least. He’s a joke and it’s clear we aren’t supposed
to take him seriously so why should we even register him as a threat? Maybe register him as a sex pest but not as a
threat. Even when he turns into Violator,
even though it’s impressive, even though he beats the shit out of Spawn, he’s
been established as a joke. There’s no
way he’s going to overcome Spawn in the long run, he’s just too stupid. Which, again, I don’t remember Clown being
that way. I remember the animated series
much more clearly and in that he’s a fucking menace. He’s creepy and scary and intimidating. I just don’t get that from this Clown.
-There is an overabundance of “telling” and very little
“showing”. It’s a god damned (Batman)
movie, show, don’t tell.
-“I’m going to load up on guns and bring them with me just to
leave them behind at the last minute because I realize I don’t need them
anymore. Also I’m too badass for a bike
-I want more Priest.
-I keep zoning out, it’s just hard to stay interested and
invested in what’s going on.
-It took less than a minute to master his costume. I guess he just had to realize that it was
alive and connected to him and all its complex and intricate capabilities
opened up.
-Instead of making the fight between good and evil the crux
of the conflict they make Wanda the focal point. I understand going after her because Spawn
loves her but they make her the object of sexual desire for every male antagonist. Every male antagonist expresses lust for
Wanda and they threaten to rape her. Why
did they have to do that? I get using
her as leverage against Spawn, it’s lazy writing but it at least makes sense,
but why make her the focus of the conflict and why use sexual violence to
express the evil side of that conflict?
-What’s the point of having blades behind your wrist? To be effective shouldn’t they extend past
your fist? You’d have to punch through
someone to make them effective or use primarily back hand punches. There’s just no good way to use blades that
start at your wrist and stop before they reach your knuckles. Plus wouldn’t they just poke you in the
hand? Wouldn’t the back of your hand
especially get all cut up just from moving it around?
-Nicol Williamson, you are too good for this.
-“You will never escape me. Except for right now, after I
said that, you’ll escape at that point, with no consequences.”
The Ugly:
-The computer special effects are very dated and terrible
looking, Malebogia looks like a PSOne boss.
-The Marilyn Manson soundtrack doesn’t date this thing at
all. It was a good call, he’s still
incredible popular and relevant to this day…if that day were 1998.
-Spawn’s cape looks like total shit, but it’s completely CGI
and all the CGI is shit. Of course it’s
not really the movies fault, it’s really the fault of 1997.
-Stop, just stop showing off that stupid cape.
-There are random cuts to Malebogia, stop cutting to your
shitty CGI demon. It’s made worse by
them having zero context and establishing nothing. They are music video cuts used instead of a
traditional transition or wipe.
-The final battle is shit, mostly due to the crap special
effects. The camera cuts around too
fast, there no sense of space or impact in the CGI world, it’s hard to tell
what’s happening, who it’s happening too and who’s doing it. Then it’s just over.
-I swear every time they show Malebogia it’s the same
animation looped over and over again, like a cheap CGI hentai or something. Even when he dominates the screen in the
finale, just the same animation with crappy voice over.
Thoughts: It’s really hard to
stick with a story, any story in any medium really, when it tells you
everything up front. At that point the
rest of the story just becomes redundant, everything the viewer sees being
played out has already been explicitly stated which leaves no feeling of
participation or connection with the events happening in the story. When you open with everything, all the nuance
the story is trying to convey, spelled out in plain language, you remove any
reason to keep watching. I know the
story now, I know the questions, I know the answers, I know the dilemmas and I
know the payoff so what is left for me?
In the case of a movie at that point what they have for you is visual
effects and action set pieces (also characterization but that doesn’t really
apply here). So if you are going to give
everything away you better make damn sure you have those things as follow up to
keep someone interested.
This movie doesn’t have any follow
up after it blows its story wad all over your face in the first 2 minutes of
the film. The visual effects are shit
and the action scenes, for the most part, aren’t compelling enough to keep
someone interested past the total exposure of the plot. What maintains interest is the feeding of
questions and answers at a decent pace, gradual exposition and characterization. You give the audience something to look
forward to, you keep them guessing, you let them guess. You let them participate by trying to figure
out the plot as it’s happening and it’s not like the movie loses cohesion
without the narrative. That’s probably
the most frustrating part. Everything in
the narrative is there in the plot and the acting. It’s not all spelled out, it’s not all right
on the surface, most of it is, not all, but it’s there. Maybe they thought the audience for the movie
was too stupid to pick up on the nuance.
If the movie were totally incomprehensible without the exposition then
the plot dump right at the beginning might be more forgivable but everything
you need is right in the text and then it’s repeated at the midway point by
Magical Exposition Hobo. This movie
totally fails on the story front despite some really solid acting by the
cast. You could probably find every
scene worth watching on YouTube and if you can watch it for free then that’s
what I’d recommend. I wouldn’t go out of
your way for it.
Michael Jai White gives this move a
star for me, if you don’t like him then this thing already drops to a 1 star
feature. Melinda Clarke is the other
star so if you aren’t into her then this drops to a 0 star feature. After that it really depends on how invested you
are into the Spawn character. For me,
not that invested, it is a non-factor in my rating of this film, however, it
might add a star for you. But seriously,
don’t waste money on this thing, get the animated series instead, I remember
that being much better.
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