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Fuck you and your leotard |
Rating: -1 out of 5 porn staches
Synopsis: There’s something
about borders becoming weak and a great evil enlists Morgan LeFay to help him
eliminate the current sorcerer supreme.
She does this by half-assedly tossing this old man off a bridge (which he
emerges totally fine from), falling in love with the protagonist, killing then
not killing then banishing said old man’s soul, losing said old man’s soul
which allows old man to resurrect, playing an integral part in empowering the
protagonist and ultimately failing at everything. The bulk of the plot revolves around this
killing of an old man which no one can apparently do. Then Dr. Strange is a fucking doctor and the
other part of this plot takes place in a hospital where nothing happens. Nothing happens and nobody grows in this
goddamn (Batman) waste of fucking time.
The Good:
-The plot is laid out pretty clearly from the beginning. We get a text block telling us about the
world and then we open with the big bad telling one of his servants what she
needs to do, where she needs to go, who she needs to do it to and how much time
she has. It’s a bit clunky but at least
it’s SOME plot direction. Unfortunately
it’s all the plot that occurs.
-Peter Hooten’s porn stache is amazing. His jericurl ain’t bad either.
-Clyde Kusatsu plays Wong and he’s had a pretty awesome
career. I recognized him and couldn’t
place him but he’s had a career of being “that guy in the thing”. He puts in a pretty solid performance as Wong.
-The acting is actually pretty solid. The main cast all put in pretty good
performances, even some of the supporting cast but when you get to the extras
things become terrible.
-There’s a hilarious slow motion replay of the old man
getting pushing of the bridge with a deep slow motion “Is he dead?”
-Holy shit, rotary phones.
Remember those? It took like a
million years to call someone local. Add
an area code to that or, god forbid, a country calling code, you’d spend a half
hour dialing the fucking phone. And
there was no real way to know when you screwed up the dialing. And they were all made of bakelite or some
shit and you could beat hobo to death with one if you needed to. And every call sounded like you were calling
the fucking international space station or some shit. I remember falling on one and I gashed my
head, the phone was fine but it nearly killed me, gave me a black eye and an
open wound.
-For being made in ’78 this movie doesn’t have the terrible
fashion associated with that decade. They
keep it pretty conservative and low key.
-Ah, the 70’s, when a total stranger could have you
committed, you had state run psychiatric facilities and no one had to tell you
what medication you were taking or why you were taking it.
-You know, it was an earth tone kind of decade. Lots of rich browns, forest greens and
mustard yellows plastered all over the environment.
-There’s a sign on a clothing store that advertises clothing
for “chubbies”. Awesome.
-Did you know they made a pilot for a Power Pack show? I haven’t figured out if it was a cartoon or
live action but I know it aired as a Saturday Morning Cartoon Special. I found that out looking on Wikipedia at this
movie and it’s in the related pages section.
Turns out it was live action since it’s under “Live Action Television
Show’s Developed Based on Marvel Comics”.
I have to do something with my time if the movie isn’t involving me in
any significant way.
-What few magic effects we see aren’t terrible. They are pretty typical for this era of
movie, which means it’s all slightly ridiculous and stupid looking but not
remarkable in its terribleness.
-It’s s super 70’s psychedelic disco freakout into the astral
plane. The first engaging thing that’s
happened in close to 25 minutes.
-“I am Kali goddess of destruction, I am Lilith queen of
demons and I am Ishtar bloody Ishtar and I am Morgan!”
-Every time someone says “Doctor Strange” he bursts through
the door. It provides some level of
-In the backgrounds of the city they walk in there are often
occult symbols or stores hidden about.
The Bad:
-The opening music score sounds like an orchestra warming up
in Silent Hill.
-Okay, there’s like 10 minutes of people just walking around
intercut with close ups of people’s faces.
It gets pretty tedious.
-An old man gets pushed off a bridge then hit by a car and
the reaction is the most somber, apathetic “Oh no.” ever. If you’re just dubbing everything do a couple
of takes. Also the driver, who is a large
be’afro’ed black man sounds like Woody Allen.
-This movies biggest crime is how boring it is. It is so hard to keep involved in the story
when nothing is happening. I forgot to
reset my VCR counter before starting (I had to rewind the damn thing before
starting it) but we have to be close to 30 minutes in and so far the most
action we’ve seen is an old man getting thrown off a bridge. It feels like 30 minutes, the way this movie
bends time it’s probably closer to 15.
-The soundtrack is a mix of atmospheric “new agey” music,
70’s porn music and dramatic soap opera stings from the 60’s.
-Our second action scene involved a cat getting shocked by a
mystical barrier.
-Marvel at the five minute “walking around looking for an
address scene” it’s punctuated by the “bus almost hitting a kid on a bike but
not really and, in fact, misses by such a margin that no one reacts and the
scene means nothing.”
-I keep slipping into cleaning my apartment or surfing the
internet, there’s nothing here to keep my attention.
-There’s a sudden and unexplainable love plot element between
Morgan (the female big bad) and Strange.
The reasoning behind this, and keep in mind this is the character
herself saying this “I’m just a woman and I was attracted to him.” Yep. Then
she’s convinced out of this love by the big bad showing her old and
wrinkled. That’s a great message.
-I want to take a nap.
-There is no apparent characterization. People do shit and as far as I can tell they
are all totally interchangeable. Dr. Strange
tells the old wizard that he can’t bow his head to any man and call him master
but at no point earlier in the film do we see any real display of arrogance or
pride. There’s nothing to inform that
decision. There’s nothing that makes me
think “Yes, that’s what that character would do in that situation.” For as long as this movie is and for as much
focus as it puts on anything but magic happening or conflict there is still no
emphasis on character development. This
movie would probably feel less boring if there was at least a focus on growing the
characters, even if nothing action oriented was happening we’d at least get to
know the characters well. It would at
least be a good character piece and a shitty action movie but as it is its just
shitty. Shitty and boring. Morgan’s love revelation also has nothing to
do with the character. It just comes out
of nowhere. The character doesn’t even
share a scene with Strange before she confesses her love. Up until that point those actors aren’t even
on the same screen together and she loves him to such a degree that she’s
willing to betray her master. Why? Why does anyone do anything? Nothing makes sense and nothing is happening.
-Fucking everyone loves Dr. Strange and it’s never explained
why. I suppose it’s the sick
stache/jericurl combo.
-What the fuck? In one
scene we see Morgan LeFay get aged and depowered and left in the demon realm
and literally 5 minutes later we see her as the revolutionary head of the LeFay
method of psychology. How did she get
back to the real world? How did she
establish herself as the news worthy creator of this new form of
psychology? What is going on?
-This fucking movie ends with Dr. Strange using magic to mess
with a street magician’s performance (causing a pigeon to appear instead of a
bouquet of flowers). Seriously? That’s it?
Our climax was 15 minutes before in a shitty little battle on the astral
plane then we have 15 minutes of meandering denouement that goes nowhere and
accomplishes nothing before the movie finally limps to a conclusion that
answers none of the questions posed by the movie and foretells nothing
happening in the future. That’s it? Fuck you movie, fuck you.
The Ugly:
-I’m pretty sure this thing was either filmed with no sound
or the sound just wasn’t recorded well because it looks and sounds like the
whole thing was dubbed from front to back.
Voices occasionally don’t match up to mouth movements and sound effects occasionally
don’t match up to actions.
-When they travel to the astral plane they use this watery,
soft, blurry focus and it does nothing but give me a headache.
Thoughts: This movie is a
black hole, a black hole of entertainment, a black hole larger than
Elektra. The movie stretches time making
seconds feel like hours, excruciating hours of nothingness. This VHS is the shitty pot trip of
movies. It sucks out everything colorful
and dynamic and fills your world with a bland, boring, boiled potato like substance
and seductive porn staches. It draws you
in thinking there will be some kind of battle of good versus evil, some kind of
magical fighting and what you get is 45 minutes of the shittiest hospital soap
opera ever crammed into 30 minutes of confused magical narrative. Nothing can be this boring or could ever be
this boring again.
You know,
when I first learned that this movie existed, for real existed, I had heard
about it but assumed it was lost to time, but when I learned I could buy this
thing and watch it I was actually really excited. I thought: “This looks like total shit, it
looks like a terrible movie and I want to see it.” So I bought the thing for
super cheap and then I sat on it. Once I
had it the daunting task of actually watching it was too much of a burden,
especially when there was all these other things I knew I liked that I WANTED
to watch. But finally I sat down to
consume this damn thing because it has been sitting in my VCR player for months
now and I knew if I removed it I’d never attempt it again.
I was totally right, this movie is
terrible. But it’s not terrible in all
the usual ways, the ways I was hoping.
The acting is competent, the cinematography is good (I haven’t caught
any obvious boom mic’s in the shot, everything is framed well), the special
effects are decent for the time period.
The costuming, sets and cast are all fine. Technically it is a fine movie but that’s
just not enough to keep any interest. If
you were a film student in 1979 and wanted to know how to make a technically
competent movie, something to use as a base that you could build something
interesting on, then I would recommend this.
But there is no substance beneath this technical achievement.
All that is why this movie is bad
in all the wrong ways. There’s nothing
to make fun of, there’s nothing that makes it that great popcorn movie that you
can riff on with your friends. It’s the
kind of bad that makes you want to vacuum your living space. It’s the kind of boring that makes groups of
people reminisce about better times while ignoring this thing in the
background. It’s there to fill gaps in
the conversation but no one talks about it.
It’s a shiny nickel of a movie and not in the exaggerated “Oh a shiny
nickel, I love shiny things” way but in the way that it, in fact, possess the
distraction ability and entertainment value that staring at an actual shiny
nickel provides. But the nickel is more
entertaining because you can at least imagine an interesting story about how
the nickel got there.
Elektra was inexplicably
boring. That movie is boring and I don’t
understand why. That movie has plenty of
action, a small level of characterization, interesting characters even and is
competently made. Yet that movie is
boring. This movie makes Elektra look
like a rollercoaster thrill ride of emotion and action. This movie has nothing for anybody. It’s the half erect premature ejaculating
penis of movies. It just looks sad and
sickly before suddenly and without warning dribbling out a pathetic climax that
leaves no one satisfied.
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