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Sadly there's no ice skating |
Rating: 2 out of 5 Totally Unqualified Voice Actors
Not At All Associated With The Original Work
Synopsis: Does it really
matter? I guess there’s Blade and he
does a whole lotta shit that he doesn't do in the movie which includes blowing
up cars and motorcycles, destroying security terminals and shotgunning computer
The Good:
-The weapon load out screen is pretty cool. You can’t carry everything on you all the
time so you have to pick and choose. You
have 6 slots, guns take up 2 slots, additional ammo and a few other things 1
slot each.
-There are a variety of weapons to buy with points you earn
in game. A couple of guns, the glaive,
UV grenades, knuckle dusters, body armor and serum boosters. So it’s a nice little selection.
-Firing a gun isn’t too bad, you get a pathetic amount of
ammo though so you can’t use it too much.
-The graphics are pretty ok for the time period, on par with
what else was being put out there, for the most part, from what I remember.
-Alright, I kind of figured out how to draw the blade and it’s
pretty cool. I wish it were a constant
but I’ll take what they gave me.
-The game is fun if you cheat like a mother fucker. If you want any enjoyment out of this go to
Gamefaqs and get the cheat inputs. If
you don’t have to worry about health, the limited ammo and you can pull a sword
at will then the game gets a lot more fun.
-When you can actually combo into a finisher the finishers
are pretty cool. The finishers with the
sword are cool as well.
-When the sword is out it creates sparks when the character
runs near a wall along with a dragging metal sound. It’s a nice little touch.
-It’s got a nice Hong Kong Shotgun. Turns up close vamps into salsa, at the
middle distance it launches them across the room and at the farthest effective
distance it just turns them to ash.
-The guns don’t feel too bad on this actually, using the
infinite ammo cheat to turn this game into a shooter isn’t a bad idea.
-There’s a stage that takes place during a rave in a
nightclub that’s pretty fun, as long as you can pull your sword. It’s less fun if you can’t. But I shotgunned myself onto the dance floor,
pulled the sword and minced everything in an awesome display of bad-assery.
-The sword is pretty empowering, it makes you feel like a
-The coat animations are kind of nice.
-There’s an office shoot out and on more than one occasion my
Hong Kong Shotgun blew a vamp through a glass door/window before ashing them.
The Bad:
-The opening cinematic is, in fact, a trailer/advertisement
for the DVD.
-Blade has dumps like a truck, truck, truck, truck. Meaning he moves like a goddamn (Batman) dump
truck. He runs on a very wide grid (for
a game) rather than actually being able to run freely so you end up passing
things like a ship in the night.
-There is no camera stick, what would normally be a camera is
the 360 degree fighting system (which while called that isn’t true, it only
works in 4 cardinal directions), you rotate the camera with the same stick you
walk with which means you have to stop to rotate the camera reliably. You also have to really push the stick to
move because there is an area of motion that is reserved for the camera so you
have to push past that to move which causes a delay. You can move the camera while moving the
character but there’s no accuracy in it.
-Whistler is really fucking impatient in the tutorial, you
have 2 seconds to do what he says or he yells at you in a voice that sounds
nothing like double K.
-The fighting system sucks.
You use the right analog stick to fight in 360 degrees. For the most part you can actually fight in
that range, occasionally you’ll hit a spot where the bad guy is in just the
right area that all your moves whiff until the characters magically shift into
the correct place. Getting combos to
happen was almost impossible for me though, this was done in a game that came 2
years after Jet Li: Rise to Honor and there it was done actually pretty well
from what I remember. It’s probably been
6 years since I played Rise to Honor but I remember that game using the analog
stick really well. This one not so
much. You have to push the stick all the
way to the end and the window you have to push it again isn’t always reliable. I mostly ended up just doing the same move
over and over again.
-The system for using the glaive is total shit, you have to
hold the button down to aim it at which point it will highlight vamps. Then you release it, sometimes it doesn’t hit
anything on the way out, it will only hit stuff on the way back but it will
make a full arc so the guys are on top of you by the time the glaive comes
back. Add to that when you are hit, at
least most of the time when I was hit, the glaive glitches and hits no vamps at
all, even if they were marked by you.
Then there are occasions when you do everything right and the glaive
doesn’t hit anything anyway. The glaive
should be a quick, short range weapon, something to throw to damage the middle
distance bad guys while you fight the guys that are up in your grill. This system makes it pretty unwieldy and
-THERE’S NO FUCKING SWORD! There are times when the word
“Sword” flashes on the screen but I can’t find a way to use the fucking
sword. That’s his trademark, that’s the
thing he’s named after but you can’t use it.
Even the fucking Ghost Rider game, which shoehorned Blade into it, had
the sense to have that be his primary weapon used in his combos (based on the
video I’ve seen, I still haven’t gone back to that game). But not here.
I don’t know if they couldn’t get it to work with the fighting system
but Sons of Liberty came out the year before and had an analog stick based
sword fighting mechanic that was awesome, why not just steal that one?
-More often than not when showing an in-game cut scene the
game glitches, freezes, the sound plays and then it just goes back to the
regular game play.
-There’s no “Continue” so if you aren’t paying attention, like
I was when I started it up again, you think your game has been deleted and you
have to start over.
-The game kind of sucks as a shooter, the pistol has a great
aiming system, the shotgun does not. I
don’t think the shotgun has any aiming system and with the grid that your
character has to orient himself on it doesn’t allow fine aiming, so in multiple
enemy encounters you end up shooting past some guys.
The Ugly:
-The voice acting, no one sounds like they should.
-The soundtrack is total garbage.
Thoughts: I buy these games
hoping to find a hidden gem. I ignore
previous reviews because in the past I have found great enjoyment from games
that were rated very poorly. I only
played the whole tutorial (which wasn’t all that helpful) and most of the first
stage. I never got into the fighting
system, towards the end I got a little better at stringing together combo’s but
it was still hit and miss. The game was
a horrible, miserable slog and I was only 3 stages in (one whole level and 2
parts of the first level). Then I looked
online to figure how to pull the sword and that’s when I saw a full complement
of cheat codes. It was only after using
those that I started to have fun with the game.
By eliminating all the penalties caused by the shitty gameplay I
actually started having fun. I didn’t
have to worry about health so I could take all the cheap hits from the AI and
all the cheap misses from the mediocre fighting engine. It allowed me to use the gun to clear out the
thick gangs of vamps that occasionally spring up magically around you or pull
the sword and finish them with style.
But I think the game is only fun if you cheat.
The game
feels like it was made by committee. A
committee of passionless Hollywood movie execs, who’s only investment, was
money, and indifferent game programmers just doing the job they were paid to do
within the deadline they were given.
When you have the passionless lead the indifferent you can’t expect or
achieve greatness. Which this game doesn’t
even come close to achieving, the game is broken, I know it’s broken because
you have to break the game further by cheating to enjoy it. It’s not entirely without merit because I did
eventually enjoy myself and I felt I got better with the fighting system the
longer I spent with it. It’s possible
through the course of the game I would have gotten used it and it would have
worked for me. But I when I can play
Arkham City I’m not going to devote the time to a game like this because I
would rather replay that for a 4th time or run through the challenge
stages than wring out what little fun this game may have for me. I got this on Amazon for less than a dollar,
if you’re a big Blade fan, like I am, and you have to play everything, like I
do, then it’s worth whatever fun you may get from it.
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