5 years after the fall of the democracy
gentlemen sit in the kitchen of a tiny apartment. The apartment overlooks the disheveled
courtyard of the massive housing project the two men live in, the highlight of
which is a dead tree inside the dirty stone ring of a dried out fountain. The grass is patchy and dying made all the
worse by the dark clouds and when added to the dark brown brick façade of the
high rise apartment it created a monochrome world. There wasn’t much point in gathering in the
pea green and mustard yellow kitchen and looking outside but it was a habit these
two men indulged while they waited.
what are we doing here?” Finally one of them said raising his head off his
hand, taking his thick frame glasses off his prominent nose and rubbing his
waiting for the bus Bug.” The other replied his head leaning on his closed
“I mean
with our lives Jinx.” Bug said
exasperated, it was a conversation they’ve had many times since the fence went
damn it…” Jinx said with a sigh before running his hands through his red hair.
mean, why didn’t we join up with Brace when we had the chance?” Bug asked
leaning back his lean frame in his yellow, shabby kitchen chair.