So as you precious few readers have probably noticed, I haven't updated in a while. I realize that if this blog has a following it's a rather small one but I appreciate anyone who stumbles across my little geek corner in the vast mansion of the internet and I, myself, hate when even the small sites I follow (be it review or blog or vlog) take a long hiatus with no explanation so I feel I owe at least that.
The blog isn't dead but I once again have to take a hiatus, just like all the other hiatus' I've had to take. It seems that whenever I get some traction and start to build up a safe cushion of content, when I start thinking of adding features or start working on some bigger project (damn my journalistic desires) life seems to stick it's foot out and I take a tumble. Seems to happen about once a year if I'm to be honest. But this year I left a job I hated, one that was literally killing me for what I thought would be a dream job, which has turned out to be incredibly unstable. So instead of waiting for the inevitable firing I decided to leave for greener pastures. Those pastures being out of state, so I'm looking at a massive move at the end of the month to a different state. That's what's been going on so as I become unsteady here and the prospect of being unsteady where I go I haven't had much time for critical enjoyment. Most of what I've been consuming is either stuff I've reviewed, because I can't get enough of Marvel Phase 1, or for pure enjoyment in an attempt to escape and relax a little bit.
So that's it. I thank any of you have found this place and have stuck with it for the ups and downs and many hiatai. I hope by January I will be settled down enough to start posting again. I have a few rough reviews that I might polish up and post and I will try to get up a review of Thor 2 because I already know where I'll be seeing that after I move so I might as well make a review about it. I doubt this blog will ever die entirely, unless I go through some major life change, since it's where I can vent my writing but it will probably ebb and flow like this until I accidentally get my shit together (MC 900 ft Jesus).